Middle School Transition

Canyon Creek Elementary Leads to...
CCE's Feeder Pattern Middle School: Grisham Middle School

CCE's Feeder Pattern High School: Westwood High School

Many parents of fifth graders find it helpful to subscribe to the middle school's e-news to receive helpful transition information throughout the school year.

Supporting Your Child's School Transition
Supporting Your Child During the Transition to Middle School 
Ideas to Support Your Child in School Transitions

Transitions into elementary school or middle school can cause worries for children. There are many ways a parent can help during these transitional times by

  • Listening and validating your child's feelings about the change
  • Let your children know you care about them with extra hugs/nice notes and support
  • Visit your child's school together
  • Help your child feel prepared in every way s/he can (school supplies, school clothes, healthy breakfast, etc.)
  • Explain the rules/procedures of school and how things will work and role play going to school and what things may be like
  • Allow your child to possibly sign-up for an extra-curricular activity in order to make friends and feel like s/he belongs